Chen Guttman

Going Offline, Upping your Productivity

Our Modern, global village existence and experience is being bombarded by notifications, emails, tweets, phone calls, zoom meetings and what not. Its hard enough to maintain focus on your tasks when working in an open space or in a shared room with roomate(s) not to mention the additional distractions in the form of mobile phone […]

Finding your path toward an industry career

Nowadays, after starting a new position in the corporate world, I am back to writing about work and productivity. And also about a set of questions which I recently  been asked by science undergraduates and graduates: “WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?” This is a fairly common question that many fresh university graduates raise (undergraduate or […]

How to master your Outlook inbox

The gift and curse of Email  Effective communication is a vital piece in an organization’s success puzzle as well as in an individual’s life satisfaction. With globalization, the widespread of smartphones and connectivity, and the complexity of global businesses making, effective communication can be undermined due to the massive data an individual needs to handle […]

Time vs. Money

A common dilemma or debate is whether we should spend more money and save on our time (e.g., pay the maid to clean our house instead of cleaning it ourselves), or should we save the money and spend more time (walking 20 minutes to the grocery store instead of using the car). Obviously, there are […]

Whatsapp as a tool

Since 2009, @Whatsapp has evolved from a simple person to person instant text messaging service into a 1.3 Billion users community worldwide which were using the app anywhere from asking your friend for her recipe to companies internal notification media platform. And the penetration of the app is expected to evolve and expand to personal […]

Tips for mastering time leaks: how to effectively use every minute

Tips for mastering time leaks: how to effectively use every minute

Source: Fact: our most precious resource is our time. The bad news: life in the digital era can be a major time consumer with little benefits gained at the end of the day. The good news: it’s at the hand of every person to manage his/her “time leaks” to balance effectiveness with spontaneous. Here’s […]

5 software and applications to help you stay on top of things

5 software and applications to help you stay on top of things

When I first sat behind the helm of the R&D management, I had a lot on my mind and on my hands. And the clock was ticking. When the R&D team was composed of only myself, I had to be both efficient and very specific with my prioritization. A lab had to be secured, equipped, […]

Documentary photography with an iPhone

Couple of days ago, I have stumbled over The New York Times blog Lens post that reminded me of my own recent experience as a documentary photographer. The post dealt with the 3rd place winner of the Pictures of The Year competition, Damon Winter, which snapped the winning image via iPhone’s Hipstamatic app. According to […]

Starting up 2014

Been a long time since I have written my previous post and for two good reasons. One, I have got my final thesis approval and will be submitting it in two days. Second, in the past two weeks I have started working for a biotech startup which keep me busy pretty good. 🙂 So, 2014 […]

Are life scientists ready for preprints?

One of the major fears that stalk every life scientist along his/her career is research/publication scooping. This fear drives many scientists and students to paranoia behavior, limiting discussion with other colleagues (even in the same lab) and presentation of solely published work at conferences, all for the fear of scooping. Will the life scientists eventually […]